Native Plants for Texas

10 Native Plants for Texas for your Garden

You can have some native plants for Texas in your gardens like Black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta), Mexican buckeye (Ungnadia speciosa), Red yucca (Hesperaloe parviflora), Rock rose (Pavonia lasiopetala), Yaupon holly (Ilex vomitoria), Ashe juniper (Juniperus ashei), Crossvine (Bignonia capreolata), Dwarf palmetto (Sabal minor), Lemon beebalm (Monarda citriodora), and Purple coneflower (Echinacea purpurea) to name a few. 

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Texas has diverse local climates, and every region has gorgeous native flora, which can add an excellent addition to your landscape. All these native plants can easily thrive in your garden with low maintenance with moderate use of pesticides and water. The article discusses a set of the ten best native plants for Texas landscapes for the following regions in Texas: 

  • North Texas
  • East Texas
  • Central Texas
  • South Texas and
  • West Texas

Now, let us check these native plants for Texas for your garden in the following paragraphs: 

1. Black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta)

During summers, this plant blooms, giving a bright yellow blanket of flowers. The Texas native wildflower cataracts butterflies and remains drought-tolerant. Thus it can easily sustain in the complete sun and grows in all types of soil. The duration of its bloom is perennial, and it grows upto 3 feet. As far as maintenance is concerned, you need to get rid of the dead flowers to boost up more blooms. 

2. Mexican buckeye (Ungnadia speciosa)

The next on the list is Mexican buckeye, which is also known as Ungnadia speciosa. However, the size you want in your lawn depends on how you prune it. The Mexican Buckeye can quickly grow like a small tree or like a large shrub. It is a multi-trunk plan with brown bark or light gray color. It spreads around some fragrant bright pink flowers, which are good enough to attract butterflies and honeybees. 

Mexican buckeye falls under Shrub or tree category, which requires full sun and partial shade. It can quickly grow in dry and rocky soil, while the duration of its growth is Deciduous. It can grow upto 30 feet, while it requires significantly less maintenance. You do not have to prune too often. It is required only to maintain its right shape and height. 

3.Red yucca (Hesperaloe parviflora)

The next name here is Red yucca (Hesperaloe parviflora), which falls in the plant type of Succulent. Although it is not a yucca, the plant got its name from the blade-type foliage. It resembles an actual yucca plant. The red yucca is also known to produce tubular coral-coloured flowers found over the tall stalks in the late springs or during the early summer season. The flowers are known to attract hummingbirds. 

It demands a full sun for its good growth, while it requires dry sandy, clay, loam or limestone soils. The duration is perennial for the plant, while its height can range from 2 to 5 feet. It requires moderate maintenance. All you need to do is to get rid of the flower talks once the flowering season is completed. 

4.  Rock rose (Pavonia lasiopetala)

This plant comes with a small shrub bloom giving pink hibiscus-like flowers during the spring and summer seasons. These flowers quickly attract butterflies. When you use it as a landscape, the rock rose can work well working as a ground blanket or cover. 

As said, the plant type of rock rose is a shrub, which comfortably blooms with complete sun or even needs partial shade. It requires good draining limestone soil, while the duration for the plant is perennial. It can grow upto 4 feet, while it requires moderate maintenance. You only have to cut during the late winter season to prevent excessive growth. 

5. Yaupon holly (Ilex vomitoria)

The next worthy native plant to consider is Yaupon holly, and it is also known as Ilex vomitoria. It is single or multi-trunked, having gray bark, bright red berries and dark green leaves. All these features attract birds. You can easily grow this plant in your garden and get a shrub with a pop of color like a specimen tree. 

The plant type is a shrub or tree, which demands full sun with partial and complete shade. You can easily tolerate the different soil types. The duration is evergreen, with the height ranging from 12 to 15 feet. It only requires a little pruning to maintain the desired size and shape. 

6. Ashe juniper (Juniperus ashei)

Ashe juniper is also known as Texas cedar and blueberry juniper, which carries a pleasant scent of dark green foliage. The male ashe junipers transform into gold during the winter season while they are covered with pollen. The female trees quickly grow over the blue fruit, which resembles blueberries. These are categorized as plant type, which requires a full sun. It can grow promptly in any well-draining soil. Its duration remains evergreen, and it can grow up to 30 feet. For proper maintenance, you must remember that the soil should not stay wet, or the roots will rot. 

7. Crossvine (Bignonia capreolata)

If you are looking for any plant to decorate your lawn, you should always choose Crossvine. It comes with decorating features like pergolas, trellises and arbors. It has dark green leaves, which can easily change into a purplish color during winter. During spring, it can grow in a trumpet shape with red, orange and yellow flowers blooming in the lawns. 

Its plant type is the vine, while it grows comfortably in complete sun and with partial shade. It can quickly get moist during well-draining soils. The duration of its bloom phase is perennial, and it can grow upto the height upto 50 feet. For maintenance, you need to cut it during the spring to enjoy healthy and new growth. 

8.  Dwarf palmetto (Sabal minor)

The next to enlist here is Dwarf palmetto (Sabal minor), which is known for the features like drought-tolerance, slow-growing palm and cold hardy having fan-shaped bluish or pale green fronds. You can use it in your ground like a specimen that covers the ground or even use it over the privacy hedge. 

The plant type is plam, which can quickly grow in complete fun or partial shade. You have to keep the soil moist and adequately to drain. The duration phase is evergreen, while its height is upto 8 feet. The maintenance demands winter protection having below freezing temperature. 

9. Lemon beebalm (Monarda citriodora)

The next on this list is the Lemon beebalm, also known as horsemint, for producing unique and unusual-shaped flowers during the summers. It boasts a range of color from lavender to pink. It attracts pollinators like butterflies and bees

Lemon beebalm, aka lemon mint, aka horsemint, produces unusually shaped flowers in summer that range in color from lavender to pink and attract pollinators like bees and butterflies. The leaves of the lemon bee balm have a pleasant citrus scent when rubbed or crushed. It offers full sun with partial shade and demands dry sandy, rocky or loam soil. 

The duration is annual, while the height is upto 2 feet. The maintenance is simple, removing the dead flower only to encourage more blooms and then cutting stems back over the grown during the flowering season.

10.  Purple coneflower (Echinacea purpurea) 

The last on this list is Purple coneflower, which remains a common Texas wildflower. It features lavender petals all over the spiny brown center. These are quick to grow and rewarding for your lawn landscape. All thanks to its bright blooms that only come out during the springs and remain in the entire summer. 

The purple coneflower plant is a flower that can quickly grow in the full sun with partial shade. It requires well-draining and dry and medium soils. The duration of its bloom time is perennial, while it can grow upto 5 feet. Its maintenance is simple as it requires only one inch per week. 

In conclusion, we all know there is no dearth of Texas native plants. You can explore more about it, and if you are looking for some recommendations for your yards, you can consult experts like Eden. It has a professional group that is there for any landscaping solution. Call for more information!

Enjoy a beautifully manicured lawn with our timely yard work services that care for your yard according to the season. Call us today!