3 Simple Ways to Estimate Your Yard Size and Other FAQs
We are well into the Spring/Summer season and wanted to take the opportunity to address the top lawn related Frequently Asked Questions.
A question we often get from first-time Eden customers is:**how am I supposed to estimate my yard size!? **This is one of the first things we ask for when requesting a lawn care job.
There are a few ways to go about estimating your yard size. Obviously, the easiest way is to using a measuring wheel or keeping a very long measuring tape super straight!
But, typically, the average person doesn’t have any measuring tools for this process. Luckily, a measuring tool we all have access to is our own two feet!
The second way to measure your yard is by using the Step Method. Each step you take can be measured as around 3 feet. So, count your steps across your yard, then multiply the number of steps you take by 3 to get your total feet.
If you’re on your couch and don’t want to move or are too busy to attempt the Step Method, then this third method is for you. Go to this trusty tool by Google and type in your address. This will bring up a satellite image. Then, place a “point” on one end of your yard and a second point on the other end to measure one side of it. Then, clear your points and repeat the process for the width side.
If you know what your total lot size is, than your yard size is typically a third of your lot size, Here’s an example: 100×60 (lot size) would be 30×20 (yard size).
Other questions…
How can I get a quote?
You can only get a proper quote AFTER you input your job details on the app/web, AFTER it’s accepted by a contractor AND only when a contractor has had a chance to evaluate your property in person. Although we do an initial charge of $50 per man hour, this can increase based on the contractor’s assessment. Note: your yard size is what dictates your quote! You’ll get a notification about the potential new quote through the app/web that you’ll need to approve in order for the contractor to begin.
How will I know when the contractor’s ETA?
You’ll get notified directly on the app – the contractor will tell you the date and time range. Typically, lawn care can be done within 1 to 3 business days depending on weather and scheduling. Alternatively, you can use the messaging function and ask the contractor directly through that.
Do I have to be home?
Nope! All the communication occurs through the app/web and you’ll get after pictures that show your work all done. This is perfect for when you’re on vacation, busy at work or even for someone else’s home like your parents or in-laws.
Question not answered here? Read our full FAQ or [email us](mailto: [email protected]) anytime.