6 Steps to Plant Grass Seed in your Lawn
There are six steps to plant grass seed in your lawn. These include removing the existing grass, carrying out a soil test and then making the required changes, choosing the best seeds as per your location, doing it at the right time, checking the watering requirements and mowing right. So, by carrying out these steps, you can make your grass greener than on the other side.
Lawn care is all in the details, and we take care of every single one to give you the lawn of your dreams. Contact us today!
Most homeowners find planking grass seed as their most satisfying outdoor venture. The article discusses planting grass seeds in your lawn in six steps. Let us begin with the steps and check a few relevant questions to this task as under:
1. Remove the Existing Grass
If your lawn is half naked with more weeds and less grass, it is good to eliminate them. However, if you already have grass with few brown spots, it is recommended to reseed. For the feisty weeds in lawns, it is always good to remove all the old vegetation followed by planting new grass seed. You have two options to get rid of these. Spray the nonselective broad-spectrum herbicide or use a sod-cutter by getting it on rent to get rid of these.
Once you get rid of the old sod and weeds, you have to loosen the soil bed, which can easily grow the new grass seeds’ roots. Use a tiller or core aerator on rent to loosen the soil. Now, start filling the low spots in your lawn using the mixture of topsoil and sand (half and half mixture). You can also grade your yard to allow the water or rain to flow easily.
2. Consider Soil Test, make changes accordingly
Once you remove the existing vegetation, you have the planting surface. Now, you must test the soil for some of the best grass germination and growth. You have to test the soil without any delay as the test result takes around two weeks to reach you, and you may miss the best planting time. The test will check the acidity/alkalinity of the soil. Most of the time, you can find the soil slightly acidic in nature, with pH values of 6.2 to 7.
The pH and simple moisture test could cost around $10, while adding another ten bucks can give you complete details of all the major nutrients in your soil. The result will give you the NPK (Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potash) level in your soil. An ideal soil test will provide you with both the major and minor nutrients. You can get these tests from your local Extension office, which any private lab will offer and that too at a lower cost.
Once you get the test results, you can chalk out your plan and prepare your shopping list from your local garden shop. You can also follow certain application instructions very carefully and then add the soil changes to restore the things it falters. You can use hand tools to start working on the changes you need to make your soil. You have to work at a depth of 1 to 4 inches.
3. Choose the Best Seed for Your Location
You can seek the help of local experts to choose the right grass seed. You must choose the cool-season grass if you are based in the northern states. It grows comfortable in the temperature range of 60 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit. These grasses thrive during the late spring and during early fall months.
However, if you are based in the Southern states, you should always choose warm-season grass seeds. These grasses thrive mainly in the late spring season through summer. If you are based in a transition zone (between north and south) where you get hot summers and cold winters, you have to choose the cold tolerant warm season grass or even the most heat tolerant cool season grasses.
Some of the best Cool-Season Grasses for Northern States are:
- Bentgrass
- Kentucky bluegrass
- Fine Fescue
- Tall fescue
- Creeping fescue
- Ryegrass
Some of the best Warm-Season Grasses for Southern States are:
- Bahiagrass
- Bermudagrass
- Buffalograss
- Centipedegrass
- Zoysiagrass
- St. Augustinegrass
Some of the best Grasses for Transition Zone States
- Bermudagrass
- Kentucky bluegrass
- Perennial ryegrass
- Tall fescue
- Zoysiagrass
4. Know the Best Time to Plant Grass Seed
If you are dealing with cool season grass, considering spring or fall is among the most preferred times. The northern region requires cool air and warm soil. Similarly, in the southern regions, you have to choose warm-season grasses, and the most appropriate time is late spring to mid-summer.
Check if the late frost has gone and you have a temperature of around 80s during the daytime. Lastly, the secret behind having good grass on your lawn is to choose the best quality seed, which is good as per your climatic conditions. Explore more about choosing the best grass seeds for your lawn.
5. Watering
Keep monitoring the new grass seeds you have planted in your space. You barely need a single shot to germinate. Hence you have to water them properly. As grass germination differs in their types, if you have chosen a blend of different grass seeds, you have to keep watering until the slowest species grows.
While watering, you need to keep the top layer of soil moist by half an inch. Avoid making it soggy. Avoid putting in too much or too little water, as both are bad. Excessive watering can wash the seeds away, while too little will not make any difference. You should water once a day, preferably in the morning. However, you can do it twice if you have a sunny day. Lastly, avoid foot traffic by keeping it minimum till you have established grass on your lawn.
6. Giving your new lawn the first mow
Once you have the green grass in your lawn and it has started growing smoothly, it’s time to mow them well. The following is the list of mow heights you need to maintain as per your chosen grass, have a look:
- Bentgrass: 1 inch
- Bermuda: 1½-2 inches
- Bluegrass: 2-2½ inches
- Centipede: 1½-2 inches
- Fescue: 2-3 inches
- Perennial Ryegrass: 2-3 inches.
- Zoysia: 1-2 inches
For effective first time mow, you can check the following tips:
- Sharpen your mower’s blade for smooth grass cutting
- As you start the mower, keep the number of turns less
- Avoid removing more than a third of the grass blade in a single mow
- Once you mow, reduce the watering frequency by considering a few times a week than daily by keeping the weather 6-8 inches deep.
You will find your lawn well-established after eight weeks. It’s time to hit with some good quantity fertilizer to encourage deep roots.
Does grass seed grow if you throw It on the ground?
There is less chance of the grass growing on bare or flat soil. At times, the seeds may germinate, but they will not have strong roots to enter the soil. It is always a good idea to rough up your soil before you start sowing the best grass seeds in your lawn.
Should you cover the grass seeds?
There is no need to cover the grass seed with topsoil. You need to keep the seed light for simple germination. If you want to secure it from washing away or from birds, you need to use an erosion control blanket or weed-free staw.
DIY or Call a professional ?
Some homeowners prefer using their free weekend for this job, but most of them consider relying on a professional. Hiring competent lawn care professionals like Eden can help you enjoy the perfect grass in your lawn. Contact Eden to take care of all the work you need in your property to get back lush green grass in your yard.
Lawn care is all in the details, and we take care of every single one to give you the lawn of your dreams. Contact us today!