
Top 3 Ways to Increase Your Home’s Curb Appeal

You’ve probably heard of “curb appeal” especially if you have ever put your house on sale or have moved into a new neighborhood. It refers to how the front of your house looks and also how your overall neighborhood looks. This can affect your house price! Here are three tips that will improve your curb appeal.

  1. Try sticking with flowers and plants that will last you more than one year, such as perennials. These are a great investment and perennials are easy to plant. All they need to thrive is light water and hearty soil. One of the biggest selling features is that perennials are easy to take care of year in and year out. Unlike more expensive investments and home renovations, a garden is a space where you can afford to try new things and mix it up and create a welcoming and beautiful space.
  2. Add a hint of red somewhere on your porch. This gives life and colour to the porch, and just a small tint can go a very long way. Try placing a red bench, mailbox, or light fixture somewhere on the porch that can be seen from a distance.
  3. Try creating a statement with your light fixtures, by installing big pendants. As well, if you are unable to install lights with wiring, there is always the option of installing solar lights along the walkway of your home!

These three things will ultimately help improve your curb appeal – improve your home appearance and neighborhood!

Curb Appeal