It’s spring cleaning time, and that means a whole new look on including an even easier way to order Eden! You can now book your lawn care and yard work services directly through the website! We’ve had many customers ask for this feature over the past few months and we’re thrilled to provide an alternative that is accessible to more people. Go ahead and book your spring clean up through the website today: You can check it out here. Let us know what you think!
Happy Belated April Fool’s Day! In case you missed our “joke” – you can view it here. Meant to be funny, this new premium service, called “Garden of Eden” is filled with outrageous features like a petting zoo in your yard, free hair cuts, and freshly squeezed orange juice. We wanted to do something silly to celebrate this once a year prank day and give our members a laugh. What did you think? Did you fall for it?
April is National Lawn Care month! We’ll be sharing interesting facts and the benefits of a well cared for lawn over the next few weeks, stay tuned for American stats and lawn care myths!