How To Get Rid of Dandelions In Your Lawn
You can get rid of dandelions by using chemical methods like broad-leaved weed killer or spot herbicide, and non-chemical methods, such as using boiling water, salt, and vinegar.
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Dandelions are bright and cheerful, and the seed heads can attract your kids, but they are a bane for your lawn. These yellow-flowering weeds will take over provided half a chance and wreak havoc in your lawn.
Nonetheless, dandelions are a weak weed which can be controlled with ease implementing some simple strategies. The disadvantage is that they will spread effectively and fast if you are not attentive. The best time to eliminate those pesky dandelions is now – before the seed heads are developed and disperse further throughout your lawn. Whether you are comfortable using chemicals or not, below are some strategies to help you win the battle against the dandelions in your lawn.
Getting rid of dandelions using chemicals
Use a broad-leaved weed killer or spot herbicide to effectively eliminate the dandelion plant. Select a product particularly designed for use on dandelions, and ensure you act accordingly to the directions on the package.
Getting rid of dandelions without using chemicals
1. Boiling water
Pouring boiling water over the dandelion leaves will burn their leaves, causing them to change into yellow color and curl fairly rapidly. When the hot water will penetrate the roots, it will burn them too, and the plant will die without leaves to absorb nutrients and damaged roots. It’s an easy, fast, and free solution, and you can pour it any time, even during rainy spells.
2. Salt
Another option is salt, which is a great dandelion killer. However, you can’t use it in your lawn as it will kill the grass too. Salt can be used to kill dandelions that grow in cracks in your driveway, below decks or any other space where grass doesn’t grow. Mix a cup of salt with a cup of water (better boiling water for more destructive effect) and pour it over the dandelion plant. The best time to do this is when no rain is in forecast for a minimum of two days, so that it won’t weaken your natural herbicide.
3. Vinegar
Vinegar works as an organic herbicide and you can use vinegar likewise to get rid of the dandelion weed. Mix household white vinegar with equal parts of boiling water, or try pickling vinegar for added destructive effect. Just pour the mixture over the weeds, although it’s best to wait for a time without rain. Opting for a warm, sunny day is better as the acid will burn the dandelion’s leaves faster. You can also use a paintbrush or weed wand to apply the vinegar to the plant, and this will help prevent vinegar from spilling on the grass.
Using all these methods you should expect the dandelion plant to start to wilt in around two days. If the weeds are stubborn, apply your selected method every two days to kill them off.
Getting rid of dandelions by hand
Removing the dandelion plant by hand is the best way to eliminate these weeds without harming the grass. You must dig out the entire plant, including the tap root, before it starts to seed. The roots can reach up to 30 cm deep, and any traces of the root in the ground will regenerate rapidly, so you must ensure you get it all.
It’s a tedious job, especially if you have a big lawn. It may not be the best method for a serious dandelion problem, but if you just notice some plants growing here and there, this is an effective and great solution.
If you do want to manually remove dandelions from your complete lawn at once, the best way to do it is to divide your lawn into sections and try and handle just one section every day. Within a few weeks, your lawn should be free of dandelions. It’s simpler to pull a plant from the ground when the soil is wet, so water the area first. Use a weeding knife to loosen the soil from around the roots, and ensure you pull out the complete taproot. Fill the hole with runners from your already established turf grass and soil.
If hand removal is not possible, or you are waiting till to get time to do the job appropriately, make sure the plant doesn’t spread by de-heading the flowers and/or seed heads.
Preventing dandelions by implementing lawn maintenance strategies
Dandelions grow on weak, thin grass, so a better way to prevent dandelions from popping their heads in your lawn is to make it an unappealing place for them to grow.
To begin with, choose a variety of turf that will outperform the dandelions. A thick, weed-resistant turf grass, like Sir Walter Buffalo turf is a great choice as its spreading, dense growth habit can easily outperform most weeds.
Mow regularly and high to keep your grass’s height long. Weed seeds require the heat of the sun to thrive on the soil surface, so longer grass keeps the soil cooler and offers shade that limits weed growth. Cutting your grass too low just offers an ideal environment for weeds to thrive. Also, if your lawn is already crowded with dandelions, mowing regularly will prevent the seed heads from developing as the topmost growth of the plant will be cut off. It won’t help to eliminate dandelions from your lawn, but mowing this way will help keep them in control.
Water deeply and infrequently. Dandelion seeds waiting to sprout will grow best with frequent and light watering, so don’t provide them the conditions to survive. Infrequent, deep watering will let the roots of your grass take hold and grow healthy and strong, and thus outperform weeds more easily.
Fertilizing at the right time is as important as using the right amount of fertilizer. Too much fertilizer will enable the weeds to grow, while too less will not give enough food to your grass to grow vigorous and outperform the weeds. Avoid fertilizing your lawn in the heat of summer if dandelions are an issue, as this will only encourage greater weed-growth. Ensure fertilizing in early spring and mid-autumn.
Dandelions grow in soil with high calcium and potassium levels and low pH, so have your soil tested to know if it’s a good place for dandelions. If so, add lime and calcium to enhance the soil. Getting dandelions under control without chemicals will take time and patience, but if you stick with it you will see outstanding results.
For more information about dandelions, read the article ‒ What are the benefits of dandelions in your yard?
In conclusion, you can get rid of dandelions by using chemical methods like broad-leaved weed killer or spot herbicide, and non-chemical methods, such as using boiling water, salt, and vinegar. You can also remove them by hand if you don’t have a big lawn.
Consider hiring Eden experts to get rid of pesky dandelions from your lawn. We offer all lawn maintenance and landscaping services at an affordable price.
Enjoy a beautifully manicured lawn with our timely yard work services that care for your yard according to the season. Call us today!