How to Prevent and Get Rid of Moles?
You can prevent and get rid of moles by using mole traps, mole bait, mole repellents, castor oil and other DIY homemade remedies. You can also prevent mole infestations with the help of protective plants, mulch and compost piles, correcting drainage issues and by removing their food sources.
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Nobody wants a mole infestation in their lawn or yard. Though they look adorable, moles can cause significant damage to your garden, lawn, vegetable garden or plant roots. They also create unsightly mounds of dirt and raised ridges which ruin the landscape. So, it is important to know how to prevent and get rid of moles.
How to get rid of Moles?
You can get rid of moles by laying traps, using repellents or applying DIY remedies, such as using castor oil or ultrasonic devices to repel them.
Mole traps: You can use a mouse trap to catch moles as the two are similar in size. Some traps can kill moles while others will keep them engaged so you can release the mole away from your home. Traps are designed to remove moles, whether dead or alive.
Make sure to always wear protective gloves when handling mole traps because as moles are naturally wary of human scent, they may not approach the trap.
Mole bait: Mole bait can be bought at the local garden supply store. It looks and smells like earthworms but is extremely poisonous for moles. You simply need to drop mole bait into a molehill or at the entrance of a mole tunnel. Once the mole ingests the bait, they quickly die and remain buried inside their tunnel.
Mole repellents: Castor oil is a common ingredient used in most mole repellents, as it is non-toxic. You can buy castor oil-based mole repellents in the form of spray, liquid or granules.
The granular type of mole repellent tends to last longer and is more effective than the spray and liquid forms.
The liquid mole repellent is usually diluted with water before use. You need to be very careful when diluting liquid mole repellent as too much dilution can reduce its effectiveness while too much of the repellent can cause damage to the yard. Make sure to read the instructions carefully.
The spray form of mole repellent is easier to apply but it needs multiple layers and you will have to spray the repellent more often than the liquid or granular type.
Castor oil: Castor oil is an effective, non-toxic pest repellent and also safe for your lawn. You can buy castor oil at hardware stores, local garden supply stores or order it online. You will need to create a spray with 100% castor oil, water and mix a bit of liquid detergent. To be precise, you will need to add 6 oz. of castor oil in 2 tablespoons of dish soap and mix this in 1 gallon of water to make your own homemade mole repellent.
To use this mole repellent, you will first need to water the area with at least 0.5-inch of water before spraying the solution.
DIY Mole Repellent Remedies: Another excellent mole repellent remedy requires spreading coffee grounds. You can simply scatter the used grounds around the entrance and exits of mole tunnels. Moles have sensitive noses and the strong smell of coffee grounds tends to keep them away.
If you want to go hi-tech, then you can buy an ultrasonic noisemaker. These are attached to solar-powered stakes which can be easily stuck near the entrance and exits of mole tunnels. However, experts are not so sure of the efficacy of this mole repelling technique.
You can also create a stronger fence by using hardware cloth and installing in-ground fences. This can prevent moles from tunneling into the garden beds and making it their home.
On the other hand, you can simply hire professionals, like Eden, to take care of the mole infestation in your lawn or yard.
How to keep away Moles?
Once you have successfully gotten rid of the moles in your yard, you should make arrangements to keep them away. You can use any of the below-listed techniques to repel moles and prevent mole infestations:
Planting protective plants
Plants like daffodils, garlic, shallots and marigold are natural pest repellents. They can effectively keep away the mole’s natural food source. Planting these plants in your yard or garden will keep moles from re-entering it.
Compost and mulch piles
Mulch and compost act as magnets for moles. If you want to make your own compost, make sure to use an enclosed mulch bin. A thick layer of mulch against tree-trunks attracts insects and causes decay.
Remove food source
Milky spore and similar beneficial nematodes will get rid of the bugs that are the main food source of moles, thus preventing the moles from settling in your yard.
What kind of damage do Moles do?
Apart from moles, gophers, voles and shrews also dig up a well-kept loan by burrowing tunnels that interconnect with each other, creating raised ridges above-ground.
You can identify the damage caused by moles by observing mole tunnels and mole hills.
Mole hills look similar to volcanoes. They are also called mole mounds and are usually perfectly round and symmetrical mounds of soil. These mounds are usually found at the entrance of a mole tunnel which can lead to an underground network of burrows. Moles burrow tunnels to live, hunt and to protect themselves from predators.
You will find two types of mole tunnels:
- Surface tunnels – These are slightly raised and grassless streaks that run across the lawn, indicating the tunnel’s presence just under the topsoil.
- Deep tunnels – These are usually 3 feet under the topsoil and are complex homes created by moles. Deep tunnels are identified by the mile tunnel entrance and exits.
When moles infest a yard or garden, they can cause considerable damage in a very short period of time. On an average, a mole can dig a tunnel at 18 feet per hour. So, it is vital to know how to prevent and get rid of moles swiftly.
You can easily get rid of moles by using mole traps, mole repellents and castor oil. Besides this, you can also prevent mole infestation in the future by removing their food sources, correcting drainage problems and planting protective plants in your yard.
Enjoy a beautifully manicured lawn with our timely yard work services that care for your yard according to the season. Call us today!