Ice Melt

The Do’s and Don’ts of Using Ice Melt

The do’s and don’ts of using ice melt products include checking your options, not confusing rock salt with ice melt, checking the product’s temperature rating, the type of surface, not applying too much, keeping ice melt away from children and pets, not tracking it into your house and not waiting for the snow to fall before applying ice melt.

If you don’t want to shovel the snow yourself don’t worry our trusty snowplow operator will clear your driveway! EDEN is just a Call away.

Ice is extremely treacherous for walking and driving alike. So, it is highly recommended to remove ice from foot-traffic areas of your property, such as walkways and driveways. Ice melt, a chemical product that is applied to icy surfaces to break down the bond of ice molecules, is considered commonly to be an ideal solution. However, there are different types of ice melt products available, designed for different purposes. 

In this article, we shall take a good look at the do’s and don’ts of using ice melt to clear ice from your property.

DO check the options available

As mentioned earlier, there are different kinds of ice melt products in the market today. They are all designed for different specific purposes. Some come in a liquid form while others can be bought in pellet and granule forms. Some ice melt products are specially designed for specific types of surfaces or specific temperature range. Some of these are also quite safe for use around kids and pets. Make sure to read the product label carefully to know the features of individual ice melt products and how they work best.

DON’T confuse ice melt with rock salt

Though ice melt and rock salt are both used for the same purpose, these are two completely different compounds. On one hand, rock salt is sodium chloride in a mineral form. On the other hand, ice melt is a mix of various chemicals, with sodium chloride usually being one of its main ingredients. Ice melt is designed to be fast-acting, long-lasting and works well in low temperatures.

DO check the temperature rating

As mentioned, different ice melt products are made to work at different temperature levels. if you live in a region where the winter temperatures plunge to below 20 degrees Fahrenheit, make sure to buy the ice melt which is specifically designed for this temperature range. You can find out the product’s temperature range by checking the product label. 

DO consider the type of surface

Ice can cover different types of surfaces, such as sidewalks, driveways, porches and decks, which are all made of different materials, such as metal, asphalt, wood and concrete. Make sure to read the product label carefully before buying and follow the package instructions. Ensure that you use the proper product for the specific type of surface. Else, you may end up causing unwanted damage to your property.

DON’T apply too much

Applying too much ice melt can cause more harm than good. Excessive ice melt can damage driveways, sidewalks, walkways and even indoor surfaces (when tracked in) and landscaping. it can also cause environmental damage through groundwater and runoff. Make sure to read the product label instructions and follow them carefully to avoid damage to your property. 

DO keep away from children and pets

There are several ice melt products that can be harmful to humans and pets, if swallowed. Usually, accidental ingestion does not cause serious problems though there have been reports of the chemical causing irritation in children and pets.

DON’T tracks it into your house

The residue ice melt can be tracked indoors and cause damage to indoor surfaces, besides making them slippery. To avoid this, you should use floor mats outside and inside the entrance. 

DON’T wait for the ice to form

It is advisable to have a supply of ice melt products (for different surfaces) ready and handy for use, even if your region is yet to experience the season’s first snowfall. In fact, ice melt products work best if you apply them before the ice forms. This way, you can prevent ice from forming a bond and create channels in ice which makes it easier to be removed. 


The do’s and don’ts of using ice melt products include checking your options, not confusing rock salt with ice melt, checking the product’s temperature rating, the type of surface, not applying too much, keeping ice melt away from children and pets, not tracking it into your house and not waiting for the snow to fall before applying ice melt. For more expert tips and hacks to remove ice and snow from your property, you can consult with professional lawn care company, such as Eden for the most efficient and effective solutions. 

If you don’t want to shovel the snow yourself don’t worry our trusty snowplow operator will clear your driveway! EDEN is just a Call away.