eco-friendly grass

What are the eco-friendly grass alternatives for a low maintenance lawn?

Some of the best eco-friendly grass alternatives for a low maintenance lawn are native plants, native grasses, ornamental plants, ground cover plants, landscaping beds and others. Americans are known to keep beautifully maintained lawns. However, the beautiful grass does not grow everywhere. Lawn care is a significant responsibility as it includes watering, fertilizing, applying pesticides and insecticides besides weeding and mowing. It takes a lot of effort to maintain a clean, pristine lawn. This is the reason that increasing numbers of homeowners today are looking for eco-friendly grass alternatives so that their lawn requires low maintenance. 

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Lets’ check out some of the best eco-friendly options for a low-maintenance lawn:

Native Plants

Native plants are well-known for growing naturally in a particular geographic location or area. This means that native plants require less care to flourish. These make an excellent choice for low-maintenance lawns. Native plants also benefit us by promoting yard biodiversity. 

Native Plants

Some of the most popular plants for a low-maintenance lawn are:

  • Moss – This native fungi love wet, low-fertility soils and grow on top of the ground. This is an excellent no-mow option that offers incredible groundcover. 
  • Ferns – Ferns are gorgeous large green-leafed plants for gardens and yards alike. There are over 350 species of ferns you can choose from which thrive in North America. These plants are able to thrive in almost every environment so you won’t have difficulty growing ferns in your yard. 
  • Sedges – These are also available in various types and are renowned for being low-maintenance and easy-to-grow with grass-like appearance. These plants grow well in the sun and in the shade, making them ideal for almost any region. 

Native plants, in general, do not require too much maintenance or fertilizing. Most of them do not need to be mowed which makes them excellent eco-friendly alternative to grass. 

Ornamental Grasses

Ornamental grasses are usually planted in yards that are planned with no upkeep. There are different varieties of ornamental grasses that can grow and adapt in various types of soil, even in drought conditions. They are also beneficial as ornamental grass helps to prevent soil erosion. You can find warm-season and cool-season ornamental grasses at your local garden store. 

Ornamental Grasses

Some of the most popular types of ornamental grasses that are found growing in low-maintenance lawns across the United States include:

  • Red Fountain grass – This is easy to recognize by its bright red foliage. This ornamental grass grows well in full sun and well-drained soils, especially in and around Florida. 
  • Mexican Feather grass – This is one of the most aesthetically appealing and low-maintenance grass alternatives for dry regions. This grass is not only drought-resistant but it also re-seeds naturally and flourishes on its own. 
  • Western Wheat grass – This is a native perennial and is identified by its coarse, long stem. It grows well in most soils and is drought-resistant, making it a good choice for low-maintenance eco-friendly lawns. 

Native Grasses

This type of grass is bountiful and grows naturally throughout the U.S. Majority of native grasses are ornamental in nature as they are low-maintenance and offer sustainable landscaping. There are various species and variants to choose from, in warm and cool season types to enhance the appeal of your yard. 

Some of the most popular native grasses that are used as eco-friendly grass alternatives for a low-maintenance lawn are:

  • Buffalo grass – This is a warm-season perennial native grass. It is low-maintenance and grows well in dry and hot states and excellent for drought-resistant grass option. 
  • Red Fescue – This is a cool-season native grass and has excellent soil stabilization properties. This grass grows well in the full sun but can also flourish in partial shade and also requires less watering. 
  • Blue grama – This native grass is found all across the Midwest. This is a warm-season, drought-resistant grass that grows in any type of soil. 

Ground Cover Plants

Ground cover plants are amazing as they are low-lying which does not require mowing. Some of the most popular types of groundcover plants include creeping sedum, creeping jenny, and creeping thyme. All these groundcover plants grow outwards, instead of upwards, like normal plants do. 

Ground Cover Plants

Some of the best options for groundcover plants include:

  • Creeping sedum – This is also called “hens and chicks”. It is a succulent plant which can store water. These plants grow well in partial shade but don’t survive in full shade. However, you can grow creeping sedum in almost any well-draining soil.
  • Creeping jenny – Creeping jenny is an ideal choice if you prefer a lot of shade. These groundcover plants can also tolerate moderate foot traffic. 
  • Creeping thyme – Creeping thyme is another excellent groundcover plant. This plant grows well in sunny climate with well-drained soil. These plants cannot tolerate foot traffic but are incredibly aesthetically appealing when they bloom with small and beautiful lavender flowers in the beginning of spring. 

Landscaping Beds

Landscaping beds are another excellent eco-friendly grass alternative for a low-maintenance lawn. These work well for a green lawn with poor-quality soil. 

Landscaping Beds

Some of the most popular types of landscaping beds that are used in low-maintenance eco-friendly non-grass lawns are:

  • Flower beds – Flower beds can be low-maintenance depending on the flower. You can use flower beds to cover large patches of your yard with bright, colorful and verdant flowers. This saves you the cost of planting grass and mowing it regularly, thus making an excellent eco-friendly grass alternative for a low-maintenance lawn.
  • Mulch beds – Mulch beds are also excellent lawn substitutes. These can cover a wide portion on the lawn that is usually difficult to grow and mow at. You can choose to build much from pine straw, pine bark or recycled municipal mulch. 
  • Rock beds – These are relatively new to landscaping but are incredibly appealing. Rock beds allow you to save water and show off your creative rock-arranging skills at the same time. 


There are numerous eco-friendly grass alternatives for a low maintenance lawn, such as ornamental grasses, native plants, native grasses, groundcover plants and landscaping beds. Make sure to choose the options that will grow well in the type of climate, weather and soil found in your region. 

Grass cutting taking up all your time? Call us, and we will do it for you!