What is the Best Time of the Year to Plant Grass Seeds?
To determine the best time of the year to plant grass seeds, you’ll need to consider the type of grass you want to grow and the part of the country where you live. Despite considerable financial costs and deliberate efforts, establishing a lushness of green grass across your lawn can leave you feeling fulfilled, peaceful, and one with nature. Therefore, every lawn owner recognizes that to achieve an attractive landscape design, they have to make all the necessary commitments. Sometimes, such dedication requires waiting for a specific period before doing any actual planting.

Grass Types Influence the Best Time of the Year to Plant Grass Seeds
In America, there are two categories of grass species that grow at different paces, places, and specific periods of the year. They are:
Cool Season Grass
Grasses like tall fescue, perennial ryegrasses, and Kentucky bluegrass, are at their best performance during the late summer and early fall. During this period, soil temperatures naturally fall between 50°F and 65°F. This temperature range is readily obtainable in the northern regions of America, so you don’t have to prepare your lawn for cooler temperatures. That said, consider keeping tabs on frost dates to give you better precision regarding optimal planting time.
Warm Season Grass
Grasses like Zoysia grass, Bermuda grass, Bahia grass, and Centipede grass, experience their most active growth during the late spring and early summer. During this period, the soil temperature rises to a constant range of 65°F to 70°F. This temperature range provides a suitable condition for the germination of these grass species.
If you live in the northern parts of America, you’ll find that such soil temperatures are easily obtainable since the average atmospheric temperature meets or exceeds 80°F daily. Once again, it’s vital to monitor frost dates since optimum results are achieved with seeds planted at least 90 days before the first fall frost.
Best Time of the Year to Plant Grass Seeds in Your State: Expert Help
Deciding the most appropriate time of the year to spread grass in your state can be somewhat dicey since climatic zones tend to differ even within states. To achieve better precision with time and the grass specie for sowing, we recommend that you use the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) map for landscapers and gardeners. This map is usually present in most seed packets you buy.