Ground temperature for your lawn

What Should be the Ground Temperature for Your Lawn

It’s unusual for individuals to consider soil or ground temperature. Usually, when we talk about temperature, we’re talking about the weather and air we’re in. However, when it comes to lawn care, our staff considers the temperature of the ground and soil to determine the optimum treatment for your grass.

The Effects of Ground and Soil Temperatures on Your Lawn Ground temperature has an impact on:

Growth stimulation: Pay attention to ground temperature if you want your lawn to develop and stay healthy. The soil beneath your grass has a significant impact on the rate at which it grows. Warmer soil contains more energy, resulting in a higher rate of growth.

Lawn illnesses: Many grass infections you observe in your yard may be due to fungal diseases, which means your lawn’s natural fungi was exposed to the incorrect conditions, leading it to grow and not in a good way. Get rid of lawn fungus.

Germination: The formation of a plant from a seed, which can only occur if the seed is sown at the proper ground temperature. Germination is influenced by two key factors: moisture and temperature.

If you want a healthy, growing, green lawn, you should keep an eye on the ground temperature, or at the very least, make sure lawn care is an essential factor.

Cool-season grasses require a specific ground temperature 

  • When the ground temperature is between 50 and 65 degrees Fahrenheit, these grasses grow like crazy.
  • When soil temperatures reach 85 degrees F or above, cool-season grasses experience actual root damage (hence the name “cool-season” grasses).

Warm-season grasses require a specific ground temperature. 

  • These grasses flourish in the south’s scorching summer temperatures. The temperature of the soil is generally between 64 and 110 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Warm-season grasses are harmed by frost and regularly chilly soil temperatures below 55 degrees F. Roots cease to grow, and the grass cannot effectively absorb nutrients and moisture to resist the severe temperatures.

How to Find Soil Temperatures

Take Your Measurement at the Suggested Planting Depth: If you’re planting seeds or new plants, make sure to take your measurement at the recommended planting depth. Check at least 5-6 inches deep if you measure for a mixed garden.

Make a Pilot Hole: Make a pilot hole with a screwdriver to avoid breaking your thermometer by pushing it into hard soil.

Follow the Instructions: Specific instructions can be found on the package of your thermometer. Ensure the glass bulb thermometer is firmly in contact with the soil and wait a few minutes for the temperature to register.

Provide proper shade: If the sun is shining brightly, shade the thermometer with your palm to get an accurate reading.

Multiple Measurements: Take a reading early in the morning and late in the afternoon, then average the two numbers. Take readings from different areas of your yard if you’re sowing a lawn because some places warm up faster than others.

Check out the following: To double-check, compare your soil temperature reading to these useful Green cast Soil Temperature Maps.

However, it’s crucial to note that these thermometers rise throughout the day and fall during the night. This is when you must use your detective skills. Don’t entirely rely on the soil thermometer. Average the data and utilise it to determine when it’s time to get started.


To successfully treat your grass and take care of your lawn, keep a constant check on ground temperatures around them. It enables people to foresee what may occur in nature and how they might assist. Please get in touch with us if you have any questions.