Fertilizing in Spring: Fertilizer Numbers and Facts
Many homeowners love to give a fertilizer dose to their yard during spring, and they continue applying the same in the growing season. If you plan to fertilize your lawn, avoiding fertilizing in early spring is always a good idea. However, if you are applying for the first time, the best thing you can do is to try applying in the late spring.
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You notice that the lush green grass has started to grow on your lawn very eagerly during the spring. The grass collects all its energy during the early spring to get into the root development. So, if you plan to apply fertilizer too early, it will affect this energy diverting it to the leaf development the next moment.
What do Numbers on fertilizer mean?
Before shopping for fertilizer, you should study the directions and instructions printed on the labels. The information is essential to check for a fair understanding of the details.
You can find three different numbers on the label of any fertilizer bottle, showcasing the product’s ratio N-P-K. N is for nitrogen, P is for phosphorus, and K is for potassium. Also, these numbers found on the bottle show the percentage (by weight) of all these three macronutrients you see in that package. You can find many plants employing different nutrients that allow smooth growth. However, these three ingredients are used in the most significant amounts.
For instance, any fertilizer bag will have numbers like 10-5-10 on the label. So, according to the above rule, you can hold 10 percent of nitrogen, 5 percent of phosphorus and 10 percent of potassium. However, the remaining percentage (75 percent) is the weight of the bag of the carrier product. These numbers help you calculate how much fertilizer you need to apply with one pound of nutrients you want to add to the soil.
What is the Importance of the NPK on Fertilizer?
For the optimal growth of crops, you need sufficient nutrients in your grass or crops’ roots. All these nutrient values are available in the root zone of the crops. You can partly supply the soil and add fertilizers and organic manures. You can find soil having diverse levels of nutrients, which further depends upon the parent meteors like peat, clear or sand.
Also, the factors like differences in the management history like preceding crops, crop residue management, fertilization, and manure application has been done earlier are essential to know. At the same time, you can find certain climatic conditions may alter nutrient availability.
For all these reasons, the farmers need to look at the NPK content of their soil. It will help them know the exact quantity of N, P and K. If they find them low in the ground, they have to add using organic or mineral fertilizers. It will help in optimizing crop growth, yield and production.
What are the Best Fertilizer Ratios For Your Lawn in Spring?
The best fertilizer number for any lawn you want to feed during the spring is around 30-0-4. Spring allows you to fertilize warm-season and cool-season grass on your lawn. It is always a good idea to fertilize during the early spring once the winter thaws and the weather is between 60 degrees F to 75 degrees F.
However, grasses grow the best during the warm season when the weather becomes warmer. Hence it is always an excellent option to fertilize them in the later season when it reaches 80 degrees F and 95 degrees F.
How to Choose Fertilizer according to Lawn Types in Spring?
You should know that fertilizer numbers can differ from one yard to another. Thus you may need a different number depending upon the soil.
The best number for a new yard, where you need substantial grass-growing food, includes 30-0-4, keeping the nitrogen level on the higher side. Similarly, you can keep the numbers the same for any established lawn looking to recover. It will need more nitrogen to get smooth and quick growth.
Lastly, you will need a different number for the poor lawn, which is on the brink of dying. The best number for these lawns include 22-23-4. The blend of phosphorus and nitrogen with these numbers can help care for the lawn in poor conditions.
How to Choose Fertilizer according to Region in Spring?
The choice of fertilizer for your lawn will depend upon the region you are based in. Various regions have different types of grass on their lawns. You must check the area and the grass type to decide the best-suited fertilizer for your yard.
In the northern region of the U.S., we can find cool-season grasses, including Kentucky bluegrass. The best fertilizer for springs includes the fertilizer of 12-12-12. However, if you need higher nitrogen, considering the fertilizer with 32-3-8 is the best choice.
The warm-season grasses primarily found in the southern region of the U.S. gain warm temperatures. The lawns have tough grasses and thick cover. This region often has grasses like Bermuda grass, St. Augustine grass, Zoysia grass and Centipede grass, to name a few. They have different fertilization requirements, and the best NPK ratio for these region-based fertilizers includes 30 or 32-02-04.
Lastly, if you are based in a traditional zone, you would experience a blend of warm and cool-season grasses. The grass in the lawn based in this region requires extra care. These grasses demand a higher nitrogen level and are thus the ideal fertilizer for this lawn. Thus the ratio includes 24-4-12 or 20-2-6.
How Can You Fertilize the Lawn in Spring?
Fertilizing your lawn is simple, and you can do it in any of your DIY ventures. The following are the steps involved in this process:
- Make the soil moist – Before fertilizing, ensure you water your lawn for one or two days. It will make the soil moist, thus preventing the grass from burning due to the dry option.
- Read the label – Check the fertilizer label and start the process with the help of a spreader or any other tool of your choice by dividing the quantity into two portions.
- Apply the fertilizer – Start applying with your chosen tool on the first part of the lawn. This should follow the next portion. The best way to apply fertilizer is to apply it horizontally first and then vertically. It will help spread the lawn evenly and avoid over-fertilizing any specific area.
- Watering – Once you fertilize the lawn, you must thoroughly water it. It will help make the soil that can easily absorb the fertilizer and then offer the best of the grassroots.
You can further explore the topic – How to Fertilize Soil in detail.
In conclusion, the best time to fertilize your lawn is late spring or early summer. The best fertilizer number for a new lawn is 30-0-4 and for a poor lawn is 22-23-4.
Contact Eden today for professional lawn care services at affordable rates.
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